Instinctual Birthing Series
This prenatal series has been thoughtfully designed to connect individuals with their innate birthing wisdom and provide them with the knowledge, techniques and confidence integral to achieve a positive and empowered birth. In this unique class, we combine the key elements of HypnoBirthing alongside the positioning and comfort techniques of Spinning Babies in order to physically, mentally and emotionally prepare expecting parents for their birthing journey and the early days following. After taking this class, families will have the knowledge to approach their birthing experience with joyful confidence, and the tools to assist in an easier, more comfortable labour and birth.
For information on upcoming class dates and registration, click here.
Topics Covered In This Series:
This class will take place in-person over two 4.5-hour sessions with an additional 2+-hour Spinning Babies® Parent Class digital download. The topics covered throughout the online class and in-person sessions are as follows:
You will receive a download code for the complete 2+-hour Spinning Babies® Parent Class to complete at your own pace before the first session
Spinning Babies® techniques help bring balance and comfort to your body, create space for your baby’s optimal growth, development and positioning in order to ease labour and birth
Practice of the Spinning Babies® techniques so you feel comfortable and confident that they are being done correctly
Pelvic floor exercises to prepare for birth
Your pelvic floor, perineum, face, jaw, vocal cords and how they are all related
Ways to help birth with an intact perineum
Labour positions and prenatal exercises to help baby engage into the pelvis and achieve a shorter labour and minimize “stalls”
Normal, physiological birth and how your body and baby work together
How your baby’s position matters and Belly Mapping® to identify where your baby is positioned within your body
How labour progresses, what to expect and how to know when it is time to leave for your birthing place
Your nervous system and the mind-body effects it has on the birthing process
HypnoBirthing® techniques for a calm and empowered birth
Understanding how your body reacts to discomfort, stress and anxiety and ways to interrupt those negative cycles
Relaxation audio files to assist in mindful meditation and relaxation anytime, anywhere
Birthing videos to help you become familiar with and normalize this amazing event
Breathing techniques that allow you to work with your body’s innate birthing wisdom for a calm and grounded birthing experience
Breathing and relaxation techniques and their benefits for both you and your baby
Tips and techniques for gentle pushing and how to practice beforehand
Instinctual birthing positions and why we need to listen to our body
Natural ways to encourage labour
How to curate your calm, positive birthing space
Navigating early labour and how to identify if it is the “real deal”
How to get rest when labour begins at night
Rest Smart® positions for comfortable sleep in pregnancy and labour
Signs of advanced labour from the perspective of the birther and what the support person should watch for
Support techniques to release endorphins, relax muscles and increase comfort for the birther
What the birther may need and how partners can best support
How to use birthing and peanut balls in labour
What you need to know when your waters release
How to make the transition from home to the birth place more comfortable
What to expect upon arrival at the birthing location, logistics, standard practices and protocols
Ways the partner can protect the birthing space
Making informed decisions regarding your care
Your amazingly aware baby and what research has shown us they are already capable of
How to nurture your baby’s mental and emotional needs and form a strong bond with your baby in utero and beyond
The golden hour following birth
The benefits of direct skin-to skin contact for baby and parents
Tips to reduce chest feeding anxieties in the first days
Normal newborn behaviour and what to expect in the early days
Tips for a more gentle transition into parenthood
Instinctual Birthing Series – $350